Every week, I open a new Basket. I call it the Brag Basket, but it’s not really about bragging. It’s about sharing. I started this so you can introduce yourself, share some good news, or congratulate a friend.
How can that change it all? By inspiring one person, by motivating you to achieve something new, or by introducing you to just the right person at the right time.
This particular basket is open from Feb. 26-28, 2010.
Speak up and add yourself or another deserving soul in the comments. We all cheer, and everyone feels great. It lets you meet each other a bit. Reading each others’ stories brings us a bit closer to being a community.
How does it work? You write a comment on this post, email me, tweet me, or comment on this note on Facebook. You tell something great about your week, or you give plaudits to someone who did good stuff this week. Or you celebrate something wonderful that you tried that failed.
This is not an ad. (I delete the ads.) It’s a conversation with friends. So jump in. And remember to cheer for each other.
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Don left this comment on an older basket by mistake, so I’m moving it forward:
I was fortunate enough to have an international company write up an article on my business spotlighting the work that we do for our clients.
My wife and I run a small two-person custom furniture and cabinet shop (http://www.dlwoodworks.com). We recently completed a new fireplace mantle for a customer and other forums I frequent really liked what we had done for the customers home. This international company (based out of Canada) picked up on this work and wrote an article about it. You can read the article here:
We were proud of this writeup. But more importantly we were really happy that we had made the customers day when they saw the new fireplace mantle.
Becky, I appreciate Small Business Survival emails and blog post. I will be speaking next week to a tourism summit in NE Washington State. Title of my presentation is Formula for Success. 6P+CS+Q+A=S: Passion, Personality, Plan, Partnership, Politics, Perseverance, Common Sense, Quality, Attitude=Success. It is a book I am writing based on owning a motel, restaurnat and retail store in a small rural town as well as being a chamber of commerce director and working in state government. I hope to share it with the world in early 2011. Your work inspires me to continue on the book and tell the stories and successes I have seen and experienced.
George, that is a great formula. And I am looking forward to that book!
Just wanted to say how much I enjoy the weekly brag bag. Sometimes I have something to contribute, sometimes I relish the successes and contributions of others. Thanks for the idea, suggestions and putting it all out there for us.
Thank you, Silver Barn! Glad to have you in our community.
Becky! It has been too long since I dropped by to brag, but I’m’a make up for it now.
I wrote and mounted a new piece in a record four days this week! Not memorized, but well enough rehearsed to deliver a good experience for the audience. And I closed no less than four open loops this week, too. (2010 is big on loop-closing for me.)
Thanks for this reminder I all too often forget, that we should pause to reflect on what we’ve managed to do before moving on to do the next thing.
You’re lovely and extraordinary, and I’m proud to call you “friend.”
It’s the Communicatrix! So great to see you! Congratulations on your new piece, and your closed loops. And this reminds me, I need to brag myself.
Small Biz Survival earned its first ever blogging award: Best Business Blog in the Okie Blog Awards! Congrats to Jeanne, Glenna Mae and Jon for contributing to our win! Yay, us!
I am excited to be one of the organizers for Ignite Tulsa. I am proud we donating proceeds from VIP ticket sales to the Kendall Whittier Fab Lab project – I suggested this charity to the team and am excited about the fund raising.
Thanks for this opportunity Becky – I spend a lot of time working and not enough time noticing success.
Nicole, congratulations to the whole team working on Ignite Tulsa. I applaud your choice to support others with the event. This is why we love the weekly brag basket: take time out and celebrate!
Murrow’s FrameArt finished its first art show – people enjoyed it, people bought it! We also developed a page on FaceBook and had accumulated 71 fans in the first week. We knew there was a need for our business – and people are taking notice! (We’re already thinking of expansion).
Congrats on the award Becky! Well deserved.
Dr. Murrow, congratulations! I’m so excited for your early successes!
Sandra, thank you! We are quite honored.