I’m late getting the Brag Basket open! But we’re open now, and everyone is welcome. Add yourself or another deserving soul in the comments. We all cheer, and everyone feels great.
It lets you meet each other a bit. Reading each others’ stories brings us a bit closer to being a community.
This particular basket is open from Oct. 9-11, 2009. (I put dates so you won’t accidentally leave a comment on an old basket.)
How does it work? You write a comment on this post. You tell something great about your week, or you give plaudits to someone who did good stuff this week. Or you celebrate a terrific failure. It’s not an ad; it’s a conversation with friends. So jump in.
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At this point I cannot be sure it this will turn out to be a “brag” or a “terrific failure” … However, I have a client who owns a gift shop in my area. She is celebrating her second anniversary in business and hosting a special event to commemorate the occasion.
She wanted to showcase some new items this weekend, and offered me space to sell the journals I embellish. I accepted.
Making the journals has been more of a hobby than a business for me. But since she has accepted the challenges (double dog dares LOL!) I have hit her with — I don’t she was about to allow me to turn her down! ;-)
Stargardener, I can completely believe you’ve been challenging your friend in business. Good for you! and double good for you in taking her challenge, and stepping outside the comfortable hobby! Yay!
OK.. I am going to brag on my creativity, a tiny bit.
I took a cement mixer to BlogWorld last year and most people thought it was a pretty smart marketing deal.
This year I am rolling out an Online White Elephant Party that my family and I have played for the past 3-years. So, I am attending BlogWorld next week with several Norman PhartEphant toys.. (Google-it for a chuckle)
My plan is to give these fun white elephant gag gifts to my blogging friends during the event. Each Norman PhartEphant will be wearing a tag that states: “I hope that my new Facebook application doesn’t stink!”, along with my web address – albinophant.com
I think that this is pretty cleaver and will start a bit of a buzz at BlogWorld.
Thanks for letting me brag a little!
Congratulations to Stargardner and PartyWeDo; enjoyed reading about this week’s exploits.
The Thistle Cove Farm studio was part of the Interweave Press Cloth, Paper, Scissors studio blog tour; lots of fun and lots of visits from other like-minded folks.
I’m in the throes of decision regarding how far to take TCF Studio…family health concerns have forced me to re-evaluate my commitments off the farm and I’ve stopped volunteer work off the farm. Instead, I make and bake things on the farm and then deliver or mail to folks in need.
Another decision is whether or not to step up the magazine and book writing schedule. IOW, make a serious commitment as opposed to a sometimes commitment.
I read the excellent article on “guru or expert” and thought the advice worthwhile. I’ve taught at University level and that information is waiting to be put into a book.
I’m nattering on but think what I’m really trying to say is…I need to focus. I need to figure out what it is I want to accomplish. Once I figure out my primary focus, then I can decide what needs to become secondary or even what to put on the back burner.
My trouble is just about everything interests me and I like to dabble and think this is something all small business owners/farmers have in common.
How do others choose their focus?
Party/Bruce, I’m really looking forward to seeing you again next week! I think your smelly elephants will be a big hit with the right group of bloggers. :)
Thistle, congratulations on the tour! I’d like your permission to use your comment for a new post on the subject of focus. I think we could get some good conversation going.
Sure, Becky, and was hoping you’d ask -smile-. A lot of small biz owners/farmers I know tend to struggle with “focus” generally. I find interesting people tend to be interested in a lot of different areas but don’t really have a focus. Unless, of course, they have a “day job” -meaning work for someone else- and that’s their primary focus.
Looking forward to the netversation.
Hi Becky, it’s been a while!
This morning my friends and I participated in the Race for the Cure in downtown OKC. We all finished the race and had a wonderful time. This was my 2nd 5K this year and I have already signed up for a 3rd one in November. Not bad for an outta shape girl!
What a cool idea!
I will brag about a very productive meeting the co-founders of Office Divvy held today (Sat, Oct 10). We covered:
– Creating & Marketing a new viral product
– An Angel Investing Venture in Palm Coast, FL
– Starting a new business community blog
– Expansion plans with a second location
– A Creative Brief with the team for a new client website project
– Advice received from our Insurance & Risk Management Consultant
It was a timely meeting for Q4 of 2009, and wonderful contributions have been made. I brag about it while keeping in mind the following Spanish proverb:
“Tell me what you brag about and I’ll tell you what you lack”
With best wishes to all Entrepreneurs, Startups, and Small Business Owners…
Ky Ekinci
Office Divvy
on twitter: @OfficeDivvy
Cheers to the creatives here! And Ky, your Office Divvy meeting covered essential ground! Congrats!
Thistle, you and I both will await Becky’s article! ;-) I have an ongoing dance contest between “serious commitment” and “sometimes commitment” myself. And it has been my experience (working with small business owners) that this is something we definitely have in common.
Ideas and pursuits bubble-up within us on a regular basis! Daily! I refer to these as Idea Volcanoes and keep track of my own via creative journaling and collage-making.
Oh my gosh, it’s LizaJne! Liz, terrific to hear from you! You are not going to be an out of shape gal for long if you keep this up!
Ky, thanks for jumping in! Sounds like a terrific meeting and an interesting variety of topics. Come on back any time.
I’m still thinking about “Tell me what you brag about and I’ll tell you what you lack.”
Stargardener, I’m thinkin’ Monday’s article is going to be about focus.