If you already have a business or already have an idea for your next business, you might think you don’t care about other small business ideas. I can think of four reasons that you ought to be looking for new business ideas.
- Improvement.
Every business, every day, can stand to improve. Be on the look out for ideas that let you do what you do now, only better. - Innovation.
Now we’re talking about making something new. Take the best elements of ideas you hear, and use them to create an innovative new way of doing business. - Expansion.
Let’s add on. Use a business idea to complement your existing business, expanding in a new way. - Change the Game.
A new business idea can change everything in your business, take you to a whole new area, or completely shift your paradigm.

So even though you thought you were all finished with the small business idea search, you’d be smart to keep some new ideas feeding into your head.
Where do you get new ideas?
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I completely agree. I keep a running list for many years with over 100 ideas. I make a point to put some effort into it. I do it for many reasons. First, it keeps my mind thinking in these terms. That requires practice. Second, it gets me good at saying no to ideas. Too many people fall in love with the first idea they come across without really thinking critically. And third, many ideas don’t become new businesses but take some other form as incremental improvement in my existing business, which seems to be one of your central points. Thanks for sharing. By the way, I put reviewing my list on my calendar so it’s not a “when I get around to it” activity.
Jamie Flinchbaugh http://www.jamieflinchbaugh.com
Richard Branson put it like this – “Once we get comfortable as a company, I like to push the boat out again. My wife keeps saying, “Why? Why? You’re fifty. Take it easy. Let’s enjoy it….If I put all my money in the bank and drank myself to death in the Caribbean, I just think that would be a waste of the fantastic position I found myself in”
Your four reasons are the underlying factors for why people like Branson continuously push themselves. At the end of the day; continuously wanting to improve yourself and your business should be on the top of your “to-do” list. The only way to improve in business is to be creative and ultimately come up with some fresh ideas.
Although I don’t know exactly where my ideas come from but I believe it has something to do with being open minded. If you are willing to go out there and listen to what other people are saying (competitors, clients and consumers in general) this information will be stored in your memory and at the most random moment it will hit you.
Your four points are nice reminders we all must continue to “sharpen the saw”, as Stephen Covey says.
As customer habits and the marketplace are constantly changing, so must we.
Thanks for the points.
If it wasn’t for creative ideas, the world would be a sad place to live.
I really like the 4th point. Change keeps us all on our toes and excited about what might be just around the next corner.
Henry Ford said “The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time.” We should always be looking for ways to improve our business because there is always something that can be improved.
My best ideas come from talking to other business owners about their successes and observing their failures. Even competitors will freely open up when approached with a sincere compliment and a humble attitude.
OK, you folks have me fired up now! Great insights!
Change keeps us challenged and humble. It never hurts to try new techniques on an old game and change it. The advice shared here is fantastic advice for any fresh or veteran small business owner.