Each Friday, I open the Brag Basket for the weekend. It’s designed as a fun place for you to share your projects and accomplishments. But you can also cheer for other people, give shout outs, congratulate, and even give someone a well-deserved pat on the back.
The Brag Basket is open for everyone, whether from a small town, a big city, or anywhere in the world. (But it’s true that I love small town brags!)
Will you put something in the Brag Basket this week? You can brag on a friend, your own project, yourself, others, anything! You don’t need special permission, and you don’t have to be from a small town. Just leave a comment right here. There’s no deadline, so you can brag anytime during the weekend, and I’ll open a fresh Brag Basket each Friday.
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A few friends sent brags to me on Twitter this week.
First, D. Scott Cooksey, @CookseyConnects, from Tulsa:
“I’m speaking on 5/19 at the OAE4-HA (OSU Extension/4-H) Conference in Sand Springs. Lunch speech, then 2 hr workshop.Not bad for first paid state conference gig, huh?”
Scott is actively seeking conference speaking opportunities, so hit him up at http://www.cookseyconnects.com/
Liz Strauss, @lizstrauss, bragged that she had breakfast and wonderful conversation with Jon and Nancy Swanson, great folks from Indiana. (I’m jealous!)
Deb from Iowa, @debworks, was excited, too:
“My chamber director liked what I had to say that he hired me as a consultant and blog writer, cool huh?”
Way cool! Congrats, you three!
Good morning!!! I am sooo excited and proud to say PriorityMe’s official birthday is April 1st 2009! Our site is up and is doing great – no big hiccups and traffic is high! It is only the beginning of a great adventure!!!
Becky – I am taking your advice and making a few changes to our Welcome area :) thank you thank you!!!
If you haven’t seen it yet – go to http://www.priorityme.com! Feedback is greatly appreciated!!!
My little hometown, Soldier, Iowa, has recently been awarded a federal grant to renovate the lower level of the community center. It will serve as a gathering space for senior citizens as well as kids, a small meeting/conference space, and a pleasant place to “escape” with a recreation room, a fitness center, and a dining facility. I’m proud of all the effort that my friends and neighbors have put into keeping the community center (and the community) active and lively.
Congrats, Sammi! Very excited for all your progress!
Shannon, that is terrific. Not only the grant and renovation, but the working together. Excellent!
InvoiceMore ( http://www.invoicemore.com ) just got it’s first paid account on March 31. The payment was settled and in my account on April 1. That’s what I call an April fool’s BLESSING.
Congratulations, Vance! I’m excited to see another Oklahoma startup get going. :)
It’s me again! I just registered for SOBCon 09. You know what that means? I got 4 sponsors from my local community who are just as excited as I am. Together we will create kick butt blogs that help to strengthen our community! Sa-weet!
Hey, Deb! Your excitement is contagious! Can hardly wait to meet you soon!
Small business means an opportunity to create your own work environment. Please send me your photo and a brief blurb and I will link to your small business from my compilation article. Details at
Thanks for creating this space, Becky!
Vance –
Congrats on your first account. I hope you get many more soon!