Each Friday, I open the Brag Basket as a fun place to give someone a pat on the back, brag, or promote yourself and your projects. The Brag Basket is open for everyone, whether from a small town, a big city, or anywhere in the world.
Last week, Kim of GoWithABC announced her new position, Mike from A Fresh Cup was proud to contribute to the Rails team, Tracy of Collins Admin introduced herself, Katie of Get Fresh Minds bragged on great social media friends, Mark of Train for Humanity shared more about the school they are benefiting, Jay of The Marketing Spot bragged on the AOC podcast, Vicki of Smart Woman Guides was proud that a client implemented her suggestion, Aruni of Entremusings bragged on her County Tax Collector (that’s a first!), Marti of Enter The Laughter bragged on Tojosan, so then Todd “Tojosan” bragged on his wife, and finally, I bragged on Jack of BoomTownUSA for FOUR years of successful blogging.
Will you put something in the Brag Basket this week? You can brag on afriend, your own project, yourself, others, anything! You don’t need special permission, and you don’t have to be from a small town. Just leave a comment right here.There’s no deadline, so you can brag anytime during the weekend, and I’ll open a fresh Brag Basket each Friday.
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Woohoo! First post! There’s a brag right there. :-)
Haven’t been here in a while, just been buried under work, but it’s about to get busier – I just landed one of four new client proposals! Three more are still “in the wind” but I have high hopes!
Happy Friday, everyone! Get out there and make it a great day!
Congrats, Bob! For a new venture, busy is not just good, it’s great!
Definitely! I always tell people, “busy beats the alternative.”
Love your style, Becky! So glad 2 follow you & get your tweets ;~)
This week I embraced the NOW, made great connections with people of quality. I said Thank You to people in my life who give each day, who support without expectations and who are happy to see me when we get together.
It’s a GREAT Life!
Bonnie, terrific brag! Welcome, and good to meet you.
Jean Warner at http://oklahomawomen.blogspot.com researching and linking to Oklahoma’s female bloggers. Also, Forty Sixth Star Press and Greg Rodgers for their great Halloween-esque book, “The Ghost of Mingo Creek and Other Spooky Oklahoma Legends.” My 11 year old loved this book as did I! Available from http://www.fortysixthstarpress.com. Check it out.
Oh, cool! Oklahoma-themed brags! Thanks for the tips, Jen. That Jean Warner is a bundle of energy and excitement.
Hi Becky – just a quick, weather related, brag, which I of course had nothing to do with but am ecstatic nonetheless…Hurricane Omar just about completely missed us here on Culebra! At the last second, even though NOAA had predicted a direct hit, Omar was very kind and headed east. It had turned into a Cat3 by that point so it would not have been good.
You take care and have a terrific weekend!
Mark, that is like a sigh of relief! Wow, glad you missed that one.
OK, everyone, take a mini-vacation with Mark at Culebra!
Hi Becky
My project I wish to brag about is I-Action Video. The I-Action Video is about Spread the message of Imperfect Action is better than No Action. So everyone is invite to tell a short story about how they took an action without knowing that it is correct 100% (perfect) and it turn out to be good, that it is better to take an Action than to wait around to make sure it is perfect before you take any … action.
The vision of the I-Action Video is if enough people tell their short video story, we can help people who are scary to make mistake, who are scary to try, or who are scary to take risk; to watch someone elses story. And they will be inspire to take action, do something.
To learn about I-Action go to http://www.ImperfectAction.com Under I-Action Video
Thanks Becky!
Giovanna Garcia
Giovanna, welcome to the brag basket! I applaud your idea that it is better to take action, than to wait for everything to be perfect. I look forward to seeing you here again, soon. :)
This week I am bragging about my client @publishedexec, Michael Levin. This week a book was released that he ghostwrote with an FBI agent who took down the mob’s Gambino family. It has done amazingly on sales – you can hear the FBI agent’s 60 minutes TV show interview on Michael’s site http://budurl/typl
Congratulations, Michael! Way to go!
Vicki Flaugher
CEO of SmartWoman Guides
Thanks, Vicki. And big congrats to Michael! Not many people can ever claim to have helped write a book on the mob! Cool!
Jeff O’Hara, @zemote Tweeted this brag: “We hit a nice milestone at http://edmodo.com today, 4000 registered users, woot!!!”
Congrats, Jeff!