EachFriday, I open the brag basket as a fun place to give someone a pat onthe back, brag, or promote yourself and your projects.
Last week, we had some great brags from Diana, Grant, Chaz, Alexis (for Action Coach), and me, and we even had cheers from Marco! Isn’t that fun?
Will you put something in the Brag Basket this week? You can brag on a friend, your own project, yourself, others, anything!You don’t need special permission or anything. Just leave a commentright here. There’s no deadline, so you can brag anytime during theweekend, and I’ll open a fresh Brag Basket each Friday.
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My online sales are really starting to increase (opened online shop 6 weeks ago) and now am really looking forward to going to the Paris Maison D’objet fair on Sunday to do lots of buying.
a great blog here, great tips and hints. By the way, I live in rural Ireland, married to a dairy farm.
Lorna, congratulations on increasing your sales! It sounds so cool that you are close enough to travel to the Paris fair for a buying trip! Welcome to the brag basket, and I’m looking forward to reading more on your blog.
Here’s my news, Becky . . .
Wired PR Works is the most improved PR blog – by a whopping 684%!
Read Brendan Cooper’s report:http://tinyurl.com/649bjt
Inviting your readers to visit: http://barbararozgonyi-wiredprworks.com
@wiredprworks on twitter.com
Awesome improvement, Barbara! Congratulations! Thanks again for your terrific guest posts in August.
Just got my call for making it to top 10 for SWA contest. Gotta enjoy the small victories, right?
You made Top 10?! Wow! Congratulations! Is there a final round? Do we need to vote again?
Congrats to the folks today for their achievements!
I just got an email that says it looks like I’ll be helping teach FEMA about Web 2.0; I’m so psyched that they are leaning forward and appreciating the advantages of social media technology.
Go, Sheila! You are the perfect person to take on that challenge!
Pick up a copy of my new book, “How to Market, Advertise and Promote Your Business or Service In Your Own Backyard,” (Wiley) – Available at bookstores everywhere. This book details a 10 point, step-by-step, marketing plan written specifically for business owners in small towns and rural areas. Also check out my web site (www.smalltownmarketing.com) were you will find 400 pages of free articles and tips. What you will NOT find there is affiliate programs, advertising or get rich quick schemes. Everything is totally free.
Tom, thanks for dropping by. Your Small Town Marketing site is one of the very first small town, small biz sites I found nearly 3 years ago when I started Small Biz Survival. You offer lots of great resources!