Each Friday, I open the brag basket as a fun place to brag or promote yourself and your projects.
Fridays are doubly special, though. We are also celebrating Frozen Pea Friday for Susan Reynolds. (Why all the peas? Susan used a bag of frozen peas as an ice pack after biopsy and found the courage to write and laugh about it.) I encourage you to join me and donate the cost of a bag of frozen peas (or more) to cancer-fighting research at the Frozen Pea Fund. Then come brag about it!
Regular brags on any topic are still welcome!
In our last Brag Basket, co-author Jeanne “OkieJ” Cole talked about her continuing social media growth. Twitter-er @ChelPixie bragged on her Frozen Pea Fund cohorts @ConnieReece, @CathleenRitt and Bryce Moore (@abiteofsanity). Neenz from Hawaii joined in, bragging on the good-hearted individuals surrounding her online. Ted Demop was proud of his new Effective Internet Presence project, and Paul Merrill was too modest to mention his Blog of the Year award, even though he dropped in a comment.
You can leave a comment right now, or dm beckymccray on Twitter.
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I’d like to brag a little on Sim of Utterz.com who not only came up with the idea to Utter for the troops and created a widget just to showcase these utterz but later jumped in and participated in Frozen Pea Friday too. Sim went above and beyond creating a widget to showcase all the utterz in support of Susan Reynolds and all those struggling with and surviving cancer. Thanks Sim, you are one cool dude.
It’s not much of a brag, but I’d like to toss my new site into the basket. http://www.faleafine.com
I would like to brag about the tireless effort that @dayngr does on behalf of the US military .
Throughout christmas @dayngyr has ask and requested cards and letters for the men and women of the military.
Im in Canada and through @dayngr’s tweets, I was able to send Christmas Cards to the troops.
@dayngr THANKS for all that you do un-selfishly to make someones elses life a little better . \
John Piercy
Dayngr, great brag! Sim really has a big heart! Thanks.
Neenz, *love* your new site, and really appreciated the explanation of Faleafine. Thanks for sharing your Aloha with us!
John, you are right, and I’m glad you mentioned it. Dayngr has brought innovation to an issue very important to her, and she’s making a difference to so many others.
And here’s another brag from Twitter, this one a compilation from @AIDG’s tweets.
“Am writing up our accomplishments for 2007:
1. Got 700+ ppl in rural Guatemalan communities renewable energy for their homes &/or agro biz
2. W/help from our friends, set up a dry composting latrine to serve 300-ish people in Petite Anse (a neighborhood of Cap Haitien in Haiti)
3. Hooked up a day care center w/ a solar H2O heating system. Guate winters r chilly. Hot showers for cold kiddies. Yay.
Totally forgot. We’re 3 year’s old today. We got our 501c3 status Jan 4, 2005. Woot.”
w00t, indeed! AIDG’s site is http://www.aidg.org/
I’d like to brag on Mike Chapman, my biz partner, who came up with the name Every Dot Connects … and who has helped us reach a goal – making the Top 25 Marketing Blogs list that Mack Collier publishes on his blog, The Viral Garden. We debuted this week at #23 and I am tickled pink. Literally. :-)
Connie, congratulations to you and Mike! Out of the hundreds and thousands of marketing blogs, you have made the Top 25. WOW!
I’d like to brag on my client GourmetStation .. entering year 3 blogging. It was a rocky start but proof that if a strategy is right for the brand and you are authentic, transparent and passionate success can happen.
Great idea. Thanks for the opportunity!
Hi, Toby, and welcome! Thanks for sharing a wonderful success story, as well as some important lessons. Congratulations, GourmetStation and Toby!
Okay. Finally coming clean.
I was approached by an NYC publishing house last August (!) re: writing a fiction book for young adults. Seems an associate editor had been lurking on my blog for eons and when she and her boss came up with this idea for a novel, AE suggested yours truly.
I finally delivered my three sample chapters on Wednesday. No guarantee, of course, but it felt *really* good just to be asked!
Colleen, that is great! You are a terrific writer, and I’m so happy that other professionals have caught on. Love these blog successes! :)
I have been asked to serve as State Audit Comm. Chair for OK/BPW next year, that means the incoming Pres. either likes me or has figured me for a patsy! I continue to grow in technology use with Twitter and Jott, which has come in real handy! thanks, Becky for getting me on board with that.
Jeanne, I’m so proud of all your new skills! But don’t you dare think I’ll be on your audit committee!!
I’d like to brag a little on Christopher Penn. He’s an amazing person and serves his community well. He doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve but you can tell he has one with efforts like his using social media to connect Chris Wilson with Manessa’s friend. Manessa is a run away that has since returned home.
Chris has documented the process for other’s use here: http://www.christopherspenn.com/2008/01/07/manessa-ninjutsu-and-myspace/
I consider myself very lucky to be his student.
Chel, you are so right. Chris is remarkable in many ways, and he consistently shares with others. Thank you for bragging on him!