Each Friday, I open the brag basket as a fun place to brag or promote yourself and your projects.
Fridays are doubly special, though. We are also celebrating Frozen Pea Friday for Susan Reynolds. I encourage you to join me and donate the cost of a bag of frozen peas (or more) to cancer-fighting research at the Frozen Pea Fund. Then come brag about it!
Regular brags on any topic are still welcome!
Last week, our basket threated to burst, it was so packed with good news! Dayngr bragged on Sim of Utterz for his community work. Neenz from Hawaii dropped in a brag on her new site. John Piercy turned the tables on Dayngr by bragging on her efforts to support the troops. AIDG got in a brag on their development accomplishments and their anniversary. Connie Reece bragged on Mike Chapman and reaching the Top 25 Marketing Blogs. Toby bragged on a client’s successes with blogging, entering their third year. Communicatrix Colleen bragged on completing sample chapters towards being published. She made the connection through her blog! OkieJ Jeanne has been asked to take on a State Chair position with the Oklahoma Business and Professional Women; the Audit chair, no less! Chel Pixie bragged on Chris Penn for his community work. What a week!
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Kellie Thomas (@kelthomas on Twitter), Bulldog Solutions’ Office Adminstrator did an awesome job arranging for an extra special price with our corporate hotel for SXSW Interactive visitors.
Coming to Austin for SXSW Interactive? Find out more about other Twitter folks headed to the Live Music Capital of Texas here: http://sxswtwitter.pbwiki.com/
Kim, a big thanks to Kellie and Bulldog Solutions for this special deal. I’ve signed up on the wiki, and I’m looking forward to meeting you there!
I have a brag today! My client Michelle Koen of Healthy Helpings TV got a great plug in the New Haven Advocate this week: http://tinyurl.com/29qbkv
I need to brag about Dan Mosqueda. This week the Twitter community lost one of their own, AshPEAMama, and Dan set-up a fund for her husband and two children. The goal was $5,000 the deadline was the 1/17. The goal was met and exceeded today.
Kevin, congratulations to Michelle, and to you, for some terrific press! Healthy Helpings TV is awesome!
Neenz, thanks for bragging on Dan. He really cares, and he was so kind to set up this fund.
Kim, Kevin, Neenz, thanks for bragging this week!