Women Helping Women. That’s the motto of the Business and Professional Women, which I belong to. In that spirit, here are two amazing women worthy of your attention this holiday season.
Small town entrepreneur Marti Lawrence shares wonderful humor with several innovative projects. Right now, she has three projects going. First, she’s acting as a consultant in writing excellent eBay listings for her Grandma at Grandma’s Timeless Treasures. Her amazing humor book Queen Klutz is online at Lulu. She also has hilarious items at Enter the Laughter on Cafe Press. That is also the name of her blog, Enter the Laughter.
If you need ebay listing help, contract writing of all kinds, or just a laugh, get in touch with my friend Marti.

BUT the existing fund would nearly pay for the EZ Keys with Voice software, which would enable me to interact more effectively when in face-to-face groups, as I blogged about yesterday http://www.doitmyselfblog.com/2007/the-cost-of-transitioning-from-silent-to-verbal/.
Vote at http://blogforayear.com/profiles/glenda-watson-hyatt.
She is also author of I’ll Do It Myself, a wonderful inspiring e-book. Catch up with her and order the e-book at www.doitmyselfblog.com.
Marti and Glenda are true small biz survivors. I salute you both!
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Thank you so much for this! You are a wonderful friend and businesswoman. God bless you.