Once a week, I offer this post as a safe place to brag or promote yourself and your projects, because a little friendly recognition ROCKS!
Last week, co-author OkieJ bragged about attending a great conference, and Owen bragged about the full launch of Oprius. Thanks and congrats, OkieJ and Owen!
What ROCKED about this week? You can brag on your business, your community, or your self. You can even brag on other folks, if you want. It’s fun, and you get a link back, not to mention applause from us.
You can leave a comment right now, or Twitter me.
The goal is to encourage you to review your week. Learned anything? Made any accomplishments you’d like to share? It doesn’t have to be something HUGE; just something positive you feel like sharing. We’ll happily applaud.
The Brag Basket has no deadline, so don’t wait. Brag now! 206-222-2267
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I’m bragging this week! Two really smart authors and friends, Zane Safrit and Chris Brogan, both linked back to me. Then, my little post of tools found on Twitter has been promoted by Laura and several more friends. And I even got nominated for an Okie Blog award, I kid you not.
Terrific fun!
I’m asking a small favor: Can you take 3 minutes out of your busy day to watch a video of me, and let me know what you think?
If you enjoy it, please share it with your friends. If you don’t, would you let me know why.
I’m having a friendly competition with the other folks mentioned in this video, and I could use your support. All I win is bragging rights, and maybe a frozen pizza, but I’d love your support on this. Also, if you’re free next Tuesday, go to http://www.thinkhdi.com/csweek and sign up to attend my customer service webinar.