Enjoy life, and brag about it! Once a week, I offer this post as a safe place to brag. You can brag on your business, your community, or your self.
The goal is to encourage you to review your week. Learned anything? Made any accomplishments you’d like to share? It doesn’t have to be something HUGE; just something positive you feel like sharing. Feel free to expand a bit, use a few paragraphs. Tell us something meaningful, and we’ll happily applaud.
The Brag Basket has no deadline, so don’t wait. Brag now!
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My brag is that I found and spent the time to create prototypes of the software we are building. I didn’t take the easy route out, and as a result will create even better software. Thanks Becky for your great feedback!
Hurray, Owen! I’m glad you didn’t take the easy route out! That’s one reason Oprius builds such excellent products. See more about the prototypes in Involve customers early in your design process.
Foreclosures and avoiding bankruptcy are the topics on the next “Open for Business” Radio show with Tom Egelhoff. Listen Live 11-2 PM Mountain Time at http://kmmsam.com For info on Tom visit his radio bio at: http://bit.ly/95rLzr Call in and be part of the show at 406-522-TALK (8255).