It’s the end of the year, and Small Biz Survival is almost one year old. Time for some thank you’s.
Thank you to Glenna Mae, Jeanne and Karen for joining me as contributing authors. All three of you are very busy, and I’m glad to have each and every one of your contributions. Double thank you to Maesz for handling all my posting during my vacation and for keeping the readers updated while I was recuperating from my broken leg.
Thank you to Mark Taylor and Laura Girty for contributing guest articles. Thank you to Mark Harbeke of Winning Workplaces and Zane Safrit for contributing guest podcasts.
Actually, a big thanks to Zane. His writing seems to run along many of the same thought lines as mine, and I have greatly enjoyed our collaborations. Who else gets excited about the subject of failure?
A huge thank you in neon lights to Chris Brogan.
Chris was my first online buddy in the new media world. More than just collaborating and sharing ideas, Chris keeps pushing me to expand and do more. Chris has been a good friend, and now he has gone and gotten himself famous, or at least really well known and exceptionally well-connected, not to mention incredibly busy. Going over our comments and cross-posts for the last year, I can see what a good friend Chris has been. Chris, thank you.
Chris helped me dream up and build the Great Big Small Business Show, as a part of his Grasshopper New Media. Thank you to Benjamin Yoskovitz, Bill Gregory, Chris Brogan, Colleen Wainwright, Heidi Miller, Jon Swanson, Laura Allen, Phil Gerbyshak, Steve Rucinski, Ted Demopoulos, Tony D. Clark and Zane Safrit for putting your time, effort and knowledge into contributing. Together, we built a great big resource for small business. It lasted almost six great months, and I know you all would eagerly continue if I would. Another large thank you to Ben Yoskovitz, for all his help with the Great Big Small Business Show. Thank you, Ben!
Thank you to Ted Demopoulos for interviewing me for his book, and Rhona for inviting me to be in her research (even though I didn’t quite fit). Thank you, Pat Matthews for allowing me to interview you, twice! Pat shared wonderful personal knowledge, and I’m glad you put up with my technical difficulties. Thank you to Aaron Morris of Self-Counsel Press for sending me a book to review. Watch for the review in January.
Thank you to more of you who commented or collaborated (or I just quoted from a lot) Rex Hammock, Liz Strauss, Jack Schultz, John Crabtree, Owen Mead-Robins, Cristian Dorobantescu, Tim and Natalie Ferguson, and Cristina Favreau, Ken Larson, Isabel Isidro, Chris Cree, Ed Morrison, Dave Seah, Noah Kagan, Jean Warner, Marco Terry, Justin Kownacki, Kimberly of No More Cubes, Alfred R. Baudisch, Nairobi Paul, Mark I., themage, Hanna Cooper, Stephanie Chandler, Bhappy Bill, LifeJR, Greg, Quickbooksguy, Mr. R. (Roman), K T Cat, Matthew Cornell, Josh, articleworld, Nancy White, Bill Jula, Mike, Hyu, X-Evolutionist, masterplans, Alex, and the many Anonymous contributors.
Thank you for bragging Masoud, Mobivity, Owen Mead-Robins , Mark, Dana Wallert, Cristina, Jeanne Adams, Basil Cyndinar, Chris Brogan, Marti, Steve Rucinski, Dr Rob Yeung, Erica Douglas, Melissa, Mr. R. (Roman), Sean, Nenad, Maesz and OkieJ. Thank you BJ for the new “bananas” Brag Basket graphic. I love our Brag Basket.
Another personal thank you to Jon Swanson for caring.
Here’s to an even more successful and connected 2007!
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Thanks for the shout-out…and the great things you find and blog about.
Thank you, Rex, for your great blog on media, magazines, the web, and Nashville! I really appreciate that you are so open and accessible. Glad to have met you this year.
Thanks for the Thanks Becky, and for being in my book, and inviting me to the Great Big Small Business Show, and . . .
Happy New Year
You are truly a superstar, and without you, most of my hare-brained schemes for 2006 wouldn’t work. You also convinced me to make an even better decision later on, and I’m grateful for that, too.
Boy, I owe an Okie lots of thanks this year. : )
And truly, you helped MY small business (if you can call not making money, but working a business) survive.
Ted, thank you! I’m glad we met this year, and looking forward to sharing more stories in the future. I still want to interview you, too! (1:34 am???)
Chris, what can I say? I’m glad to call you my friend. Now we’ll get to work on that revenue…
Becky, an early happy blogiversay to you, as well as a Happy New Year and a wish that you indeed have a successful and more “connected” 2007! You have a great support group, and I look forward to your future posts. All the best.
Thanks, Starbucker! It’s been a pleasure to meet you over at Liz’s place. Here’s to more connections in 2007!
Thank you for the shoutout. The interesting thing is that I just finished watching this McDonalds Customer Service video from 1972. Over 30 years and not a whole lot has changed.
See you in the new year!
I really like your blog- have to check on it more often. If you are interested in Live Chat solutions for business search for LIVECHAT ContactCenter.
Thanks, FooManCho! Great observation. on service. Here’s to more conversations in 2007!
Becky – thanks for all you did to get GBSBS going, and for your feedback and insights. You’ve got a great voice, and I expect to see more of you around the blogospher in the coming years.
Thanks, Phil. Thanks again for being part of GBSBS. Your great attitude is contagious, and I appreciate it. If I may borrow your phrase, keep Making It Great in 2007!
Becky, you are truly the most sensational woman I’ve never met. You were tireless with GBSBS, and I wish you all the best in your personal and professional endeavors. If I can ever help, please just ping me!
Thank you, Heidi! You have an outstanding voice, and your own podcast is exceptional. Thanks for being part of my projects.