Welcome to the very first Brag Basket post. Here’s how it works:
1. Think about your business this week; what went well, what didn’t work.
2. Pick one noteworthy accomplishment, splendid failure, or favorite moment.
3. Post a comment and brag about it!
That’s it. We’ll do this each Friday. Our hope is that this will serve as a weekly reminder to review your business, think about where you are and where you want to be. Reward yourself even for little successes!
Just a couple of guidelines:
- This is open to entrepreneurs, small biz owners, people who work in small biz, people planning a new business, or anyone else who has a business item to brag about. If you have a small town or rural connection, so much the better!
- Feel free to include a sentence about your business and your home town, if you wish.
- Do think about how much detail to include. You may want to leave out any sensitive info. Keep it general.
- Don’t abuse this with spam advertising. I can and do delete abusive comments.
- Send me your suggestions for improvements to this feature and the entire blog.
OK, now brag away!
I’ll go first to break the ice.
This week I finally sketched out a marketing plan for this blog!
And I landed an account after bidding on it 2.5 years ago!
I started a business!
Well, two actually, one of them is my blog (linked to from my name), and the otehr one is a web application I am still developing (I hope to launch it with in the next couple of weeks)
Hurray, Nenad! Come brag again, and keep us updated on your new web app!
I’ve been working with a client who seems to be getting his new yard service busienss off the ground in a big way! In one month’s time he has built a customer base in excess of 40 and keeps on getting new customer calls almost daily. This week we completed the deal for his new commercial equipment!
Hurray, OkieJ! That’s a true small town small biz!
I had a first RSS subscriber at my blog. How exiting is that…
Hurray, Mr. R! Now you have two subscribers!