The research behind some recent posts reminded me of what we already know. Rural and small town small biz get no respect. You can find all the info in the world for entrepreneurs and small businesses with up to 500 employees. You and I both know that in our world, 500 employees qualifies you as a major employer, not a small biz!
That’s why we’re here. To focus on the issues of small town and rural small biz.
[small biz] [rural]
Amen! Amen! Amen!
We small rural businesses are pretty much left to our own devices. Luckily, we are a pretty resourceful bunch with plenty of ideas–even some that are fairly innovative.
You bet! And the one thing we have to offer is SERVICE! We know our customers wants and needs and have time to cater to them. That is what makes us special and why our customers are loyal. Well, some are anyway.