With the publication of our ebooks, Sheila Scarborough and I are starting something new. We’re collaborating to help you learn much more than you can from just reading this site.
Starting now, Sheila will be focusing on helping you with Tourism 2.0. Sheila is a traveler and travel writer, who has spent years developing her expertise in the online world. You can find her at Sheila Guides You to the Good Stuff. My focus remains on small town business. How do we fit tourism 2.0 together with small town businesses? We see them both as part of a greater economic development whole. Together, we’ll be developing tools for you:
- Tools that help you make sense of the new ways of marketing.
- Tools that build your community, develop your economy.
- Tools that help you and your small business.
Yes, but what does that mean? That means watch for new offerings:
- Problem-solving ebooks
- Skill-building interactive training packages
- Speaking, training and consulting on your site or online
- Membership in an online community of your peers
We aren’t academics. So don’t expect a bunch of research studies. We are practical, hands on people. Do expect lots of examples and stories along with your “how to do it” content.
Want to keep up? Watch here, and follow us on Twitter: @SheilaS and @BeckyMcCray.
Photo by Ken Scholle.
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