OK, broadband maybe didn’t change my life overnight, but I could not do my work effectively with out it! So I was all over this email from Joy Howell.
My name is Joy and I am the director of a new public awareness campaign called “Broadband Changed My Life.” Being a blogger who is active in rural issues, I am sure you can appreciate our mission – to encourage broadband deployment and adoption in the United States and to raise awareness of the benefits of advanced broadband in today’s world. I blog about the topic frequently at the Alliance for Public Technology blog.
I think Small Biz Survival readers will be very interested in participating in a contest we are running. The Broadband Changed My Life Contest is an opportunity for folks to share their personal stories about how high speed internet access has improved their life and thereby earn a chance to win up to $1000.
Deadline for entries is October 1, 2007, so hop by the Broadband Changed My Life Contest quickly!
I know I don’t have to lecture you to support the mission to speed the deployment of broadband in the US. Rural small businesses already get it.
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