Update: See analysis of all four rounds of the Survey of Rural Challenges
What small town people see as their biggest challenges
And what topics they most want help with
When you ask small town people what challenges they want help with, the responses provide an interesting insight into rural areas today.
SmallBizSurvival.com and SaveYour.Town conducted a survey among their subscribers and visitors to their sites during 2017, receiving 250 individual responses.
Download the report
Now that you’ve seen the overview, you can download a PDF report with more details on the survey results.
It includes more information on all the summary items in the overview slides, plus detailed responses to each survey question. Selected items from the open-ended questions add more depth, and charts help you visualize the challenges. You can also read the full text of each question that was asked on the survey.
Fun Findings
- More people have trouble finding a usable building than finding a business loan
- More people were interested in maker trends than manufacturing trends
- No one mentioned waiting for a return of factory jobs
- Even when you ask rural people for their challenges, they start talking about solutions
About the survey methodology
A total of 250 responses were collected online between February 17, 2017, and March 16, 2017, from subscribers and visitors to SaveYour.Town and SmallBizSurvival.com. Respondents identified themselves as rural, and 189 identified themselves as business owners by responding to the business question. Participants included 215 from the USA, 25 from Canada, 7 from Australia and 3 from other international locations.
About Small Biz Survival
SmallBizSurvival.com is focused on rural small business. It was founded January 14, 2006 by Becky McCray from a small town in Oklahoma. It has been ranked in the top 30 small business blogs worldwide by Invesp BlogRank and BizHumm. McCray has been named one of the Power Players in Technology Business Media in 2013 and a Small Business Influencer Journalist in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. She owns a retail business in a small town and a cattle ranch together with her husband. She provides practical steps you can put into action right away to shape the future of your town.
About SaveYour.Town
SaveYour.Town believes small towns can be saved. Deb Brown and Becky McCray joined forces in May 2015 to help small towns and rural communities thrive. They provide speeches and presentations internationally, site visits and community brainstorming sessions, and online video library and short courses full of practical steps that can be put into action right away. Deb Brown is frequently featured across the US as a speaker on rural issues, chamber of commerce topics, economic development, tourism, social media and marketing. Becky McCray is an international speaker and author, whose programs on small business, rural trends, economic development and marketing have given practical ideas to audiences at over 180 events in the US, UK, Canada and Australia.
For more info contact
Becky McCray
- becky@smallbizsurvival.com
Deb Brown
- deb@saveyour.town
Additional survey results
You can view the results from all years of the Survey of Rural Challenges.