Small towns have a future. Despite all the negative press, I have a positive view of rural, and I talk to others who share it. Small towns play a key role in our world. Everyone else better get used to us, because we aren’t going away!
Caleb Pollard
I’ve never met Caleb Pollard in person, but I am constantly pulled in by his positive view. Recently, he moved from working as an economic developer to building a brewery. It’s more than beer; it’s building something that will last. And that’s something worth drinking to. Drop by Scratchtown Brewing to get acquainted.
Why this podcast exists
If you’re “just a business owner” or “just” someone in a small town, you often feel like you’re the only one. Either the only one with a positive outlook or the only one who is trying to create change. The whole point of this podcast is to bring all of us together. You are not alone.
That’s why I’ve started interviewing people who share my positive view of rural. To keep this going, I need to know who you think I should talk to. Who else shares a positive view of rural? You? A friend? Someone you know? Give me your suggestions in the comments.
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