By Glenna Mae Hendricks, E.A. A commenter asked: Can you still claim business expenses on your taxes if you’re a blog contributor and the website can’t pay you yet because it’s just barely profitable? This answer assumes that you live and practice your profession in the United States. Bloggers networking at SXSW 2009 If you […]
Selling a Community Asset
By Glenna Mae Hendricks (Maesz) With some pride, I tell you that my hometown owns and runs a very excellent retirement community for the people who can still live independently. It is called the Homestead Retirement Community. Since the economic downturn, our little town has been seeking ways to cut costs. Some short sighted people […]
6 Things Self-employed Should Know From the IRS
By Maesz IRS Tax Tip 2012-16, January 25, 2012 There are many benefits that come from being your own boss. If you work for yourself, as an independent contractor, or you carry on a trade or business as a sole proprietor, you are generally considered to be self-employed. Here are six key points the IRS […]
IRS Offers Top 10 Tax-Time Tips
I thought these tips from the IRS were too good not to pass along. –Glenna Mae IRS TAX TIP 2012-01, January 03, 2012 The income tax filing season has begun and important tax documents should be arriving in your mailbox. Even though your return is not due until April, you can make tax time easier […]