Thank you again for letting me share with you a little of what I’ve learned about rural prosperity and small town business. It’s a special honor to do this in my home state, Oklahoma!
I feel privileged to get to know you a bit, learn what you’re doing that works in your Oklahoma small town, and share what I learn from you with other rural people.
My Gifts for You:
Trends in our favor
Because you’ll want to share these trends with others in your community, I’ve shared a PDF of my presentation:
Here’s the link to download the presentation Small Towns Have a Future.
To save it on your computer, right click on the link above. Internet Explorer users, choose Save Target As. For Firefox or Chrome users, choose Save Link As.
If you’d like me to present these trends in your town in person, I’d love to join you. My speaking fee only for Oklahoma towns is $1,500 plus an overnight stay, if it’s needed. You can email me through this contact form.
Retail Tips for Small Town Businesses
To help your Main Street businesses survive in today’s tough retail environment, I’ve put together the best retail ideas I’ve heard and ones I’ve used myself. You’ll get ideas for going up against bigger competitors, drawing customers in during the holidays and how to survive in an era of customer showrooming.
You can use this yourself, and you may pass it along to others, too.
Here’s the link to download Retail Tips for Small Town Stores Staying Competitive.
To save it on your computer, right click on the link above. Internet Explorer users, choose Save Target As. For Firefox or Chrome users, choose Save Link As.
Not a gift, but an offer. Need to make your Shop Local campaign better?
You know all about the importance of shop local. But how is your campaign doing? I decided too much of the advice on “shop local” was written like everyone is in a big city. So I wrote a special guide for small towns. And I addressed the big elephant in the small-town room: how your local businesses are probably driving shoppers away and what to do about it.
If you’re ready to take your Shop Local campaign to a new level, take a look at the guide to Shop Local for Small Towns.
Want more good rural stuff?
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