A basket full of cookies that’s also a basket made of cookies! Photo (CC) by Linda Khachadurian on Flickr
The Brag Basket is open! This one is for September 4-6, 2015. Bring your good news to share with everyone.
What can you do in the Brag Basket?
- introduce yourself
- share some great news from this week
- congratulate a friend
- applaud for each other
- confess your undying love for rural places
How do you join in?
Below this post is the comment section. Add your good news there.
Reading this in your email? Hit reply.
Don’t like to brag? Just share some good news for yourself or a friend.
Just don’t make it an ad. I delete the ads that people stick in here. If you talk more about the people involved than the things, you’ll be fine.
It’s a conversation with friends. So jump in. And remember to cheer for each other.
Joe Crawford from Estill County, Kentucky, sent in this brag by email:
“This Saturday is Revive River Drive in Irvine, Kentucky! The strip that teens cruised on in our little Eastern Kentucky town for a few generations had all but died. Four years ago, in a fit of nostalgia, a few early thirty-somethings decided we wanted to bring back those great times, if only for one night a year. Through pure grass-roots work, Revive River Drive was born. It was a huge hit, and by the third year it had grown to the point that our Chamber of Commerce has taken over the administration of the event. We call it the “Seinfeld of festivals” because it is truly an event about nothing. We have live music, booster clubs set up doing fundraisers, and event t-shirts, but it’s all really about getting people into town and enjoying one another as a community. Our best “guess-timate” is around 5,000 people, but we’re not really sure. It’s a lot of fun, and for one night each year, it’s bumper to bumper for our two tiny towns of Irvine and Ravenna. We’re proud of the example this event sets. A small group of passionate, average citizens can make great things happen with a little hard work!”
Joe, I love it! So perfect all the way around! Congrats to you and all the folks who make it happen