Ben Winchester Interview Part 1
Ben Winchester has a positive view of rural for good reason: he’s done the research.
The media loves to talk about the brain drain of young people leaving rural communities. Ben’s research says there’s another trend, maybe more powerful. Adults age 30-44 are returning to rural communities, bringing higher incomes, better education and more businesses. This then is a brain gain that makes a big difference in rural communities.
Read more Brain Gain in rural Minnesota resources.
I continue my talk with Ben next week.
Why this podcast exists
If you’re “just a business owner” or “just” someone in a small town, you often feel like you’re the only one. Either the only one with a positive outlook or the only one who is trying to create change. The whole point of this podcast is to bring all of us together. You are not alone.
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- About the Author
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Becky started Small Biz Survival in 2006 to share rural business and community building stories and ideas with other small town business people. She and her husband have a small cattle ranch and are lifelong entrepreneurs. Becky is an international speaker on small business and rural topics.
Matt at The Outage says
My wife (29) and I (32) moved to the West Virginia mountains last fall. We’ve been struck by how many others our age either (a) have already made the move to rural America or (b) desperately dream of making that move.
We’re passionate about making our little town a more attractive place for creative entrepreneurs and ecotourists alike. Thanks for helping focus attention on this encouraging trend.
Becky McCray says
Thanks, Matt. Glad to hear from someone who is living the trend.