The Brag Basket is our tradition of sharing. The Brag Basket is still traveling in honor of the many countries where you, our community members, live. This week we celebrate our readers in India.
Yes, the basket is always free and open to readers from all over, all weekend, this one August 2-4, 2013.
What good news will you add to the brag basket?
Don’t hold back because of that word, “brag.” When you hold back, you hide your good news and accomplishments that might inspire others. Even though I call this the Brag Basket, it’s not really about bragging. It’s about sharing.
What can you do in the Brag Basket?
- introduce yourself
- share some great news from this week
- congratulate a friend
- laugh about something wonderful that you tried that failed
- applaud for each other
Speak up and add yourself or another deserving soul in the comments. It lets you meet each other a bit. Reading each others’ stories brings us a bit closer to being a community.
How does it work? You write a comment on this post. We all cheer, and everyone feels great.
This is not an ad. (I delete the ads.) If you talk more about the people involved than the things, you’ll be fine.
It’s a conversation with friends. So jump in. And remember to cheer for each other.
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The rural small business blog. We talk about small town business, with how-to articles, especially on social media marketing and making your community a better place. We use this “author” for announcements and other things you’ll want to know.
Teresa Rosche Ott says
I was invited to lead a small-group, hands-on session at a h u g e bloggers conference in September. As a bonus, I get to attend what looks like a really solid lineup of talks. I am passionate about writing/blogging but haven’t sought out resources in that area since as a developer/designer it’s not been my official focus. I am a lucky, lucky girl. #grateful
Becky McCray says
Congratulations, Teresa! It’s a great showcase plus a great learning opportunity. Enjoy!
MissDazey says
I would like to brag on Mr. Bruce, aka my husband. He is working on a new website, thanks to a web designer who happens to be our daughter (@Jonya on Twitter). His goal is to share stories about the old Campbell 66 Express freight company; he worked there 30 years. He has boxes and boxes of old photos, plus stacks of the company’s in-house magazine. This meant he had to learn to scan and email. He is taking small steps learning to do this, but so far all is going well.
Oh, got to tell y’all he is 77 years old. See.. old geezers can learn new tricks. Recently he got a new computer, a Telikin, which is made for seniors to use. That has made it easier, but in reality he still had to learn the procedures.
Becky McCray says
Miss Dazey, thank you for sharing. Congratulations to Mr. Bruce! Be sure to come back and share the link when you’re ready for visitors.