If you’re running a Shop Local or Buy Local campaign in your small town, you should get your hands on a new resource from AMIBA.
AMIBA is the American Independent Business Alliance. They’ve partnered with American Express OPEN to print up a 12-page color magazine. It includes “a thorough introduction” to organizing an effective campaign, the potential impact of a good campaign, and the elements that make a campaign powerful.
For a limited time, the magazines are available on request from AMIBA. You can order a copy of “Building Buy Local Campaigns that Shift Culture and Spending” at AMIBA’s order form. Bulk mailings will occur the last week of July. You can also get a copy with any order of AMIBA’s posters, decals or other pro-local business outreach material.
It’s a terrific complement to our Shop Local Campaigns for Small Towns guide. While AMIBA’s focuses on changing people’s buying habits and thinking, ours focuses on step by step instructions and how to improve your local businesses to earn more of that business. You want a copy of each to build the best campaign you can. Check ours out here.
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