[Readers always ask me how to keep up with all the developments in technology and the online world. That’s why we’re introducing a new feature: a weekly link roundup curated by Matt Mansfield. -Becky]
Matt About Solutions Weekly Link Roundup
Each week, I collect the 10 best posts that I’ve read and share them with you here. These posts focus on either choosing, or using, small business solutions online (or both!). Enjoy!
Are These Ecommerce Mistakes Driving Newbie Shoppers Away From Your Online Store?
Link: http://mywifequitherjob.com/are-these-ecommerce-mistakes-driving-newbie-shoppers-away-from-your-online-store/
My Take: A great lesson here (with examples and tips): don’t make your customers jump through hoops to pay you!
27 Money-Saving Tips From Successful Small Businesses
Link: http://www.openforum.com/idea-hub/topics/money/article/27-money-saving-tips-from-successful-small-businesses-annie-mueller
My Take: Some very actionable tips in this article – go, read and use.
3 Unique & Creative Uses For Dropbox Accounts
Link: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/3-unique-creative-dropbox-accounts/
My Take: If you’re not using Dropbox to share and backup files, you should give it a serious look. This is the first of two posts with interesting uses of the solution that go beyond the sharing and backup core.
Frenzy Turns Dropbox Into A Private Social Network
Link: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/frenzy-turns-dropbox-private-social-network-mac/
My Take: The second of two posts with interesting uses of Dropbox that go beyond the sharing and backup core.
The Beginners Checklist To Delegating To A Virtual Assistant
Link: http://womanzworld.com/entrepreneurs/the-beginners-checklist-to-delegating-to-a-virtual-assistant/
My Take: Hiring a virtual assistant is almost a required right of passage in business these days. This checklist helps you get off on the right foot.
How to do all of your work online and offline while traveling
Link: http://womanzworld.com/time-management-tricks/how-to-do-all-of-your-work-online-and-offline-while-travelling/
My Take: Some great tips for “suitcase entrepreneurs” which can be used by anyone.
Twitter & Facebook Marketing Tips
Link: http://www.businessreviewindia.in/business-features/operations/twitter-facebook-marketing-tips
My Take: Actionable tips for using these two top social media platforms.
Smart sellers embrace smartphones: Customers expect mobile access to your website now
Link: http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20110409/ISSUE02/304099998/smart-sellers-embrace-smartphones-customers-expect-mobile-access-to
My Take: Mobile is quickly becoming the next Web. There are lots of opportunities to engage potential customers; don’t miss them!
4 Questions to Establish the ROI of a New Tool
Link: http://distractedenterprise.com/index.php/4-questions-to-establish-the-roi-of-a-new-tool/
My Take: I like the approach here – actionable and solid suggestions for implementing new technology, whether hardware or software.
Secrets of How to ReTweet Effectively Better
Link: http://www.ruhanirabin.com/the-art-of-re-tweeting-in-twitter/
My Take: Great guidelines on how to retweet along with some tips on making your tweets more retweetable.
[This weekly roundup will be back again next weekend. Let us know what you think in the comments! -Becky]
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Thanks for including our Distracted Enterprise post in your new weekly roundup