Every once in a while, someone will tell me, “I could never brag.” Well, it’s time to make an exception. I give you permission.
Even though I call this the Brag Basket, it’s not really about bragging. It’s about sharing. I started this so you can introduce yourself, share some good news, or congratulate a friend.
The basket is open all weekend, from June 4 – 6, 2010.
Speak up and add yourself or another deserving soul in the comments. We all cheer, and everyone feels great. It lets you meet each other a bit. Reading each others’ stories brings us a bit closer to being a community.
How does it work? You write a comment on this post, email me, tweet me, or comment on Facebook. You tell something great about your week, or you give applause to someone who did good stuff this week. Or you celebrate something wonderful that you tried that failed.
This is not an ad. (I delete the ads.) It’s a conversation with friends. So jump in. And remember to cheer for each other.
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The rural small business blog. We talk about small town business, with how-to articles, especially on social media marketing and making your community a better place. We use this “author” for announcements and other things you’ll want to know.
John Krech says
The key to survival for many startups is to bootstrap and this week we (ePhiphony) we were selected as a finalisy in Inc/Comcasts Productivity@Work Contest (http://www.inc.com/comcast). Hopefully we will win enough votes and be awarded much needed tools and services to help us grow.
Becky McCray says
John, congratulations on being selected as a finalist!
I’m bragging, too, this week. Two wonderful little things:
I sold my first photograph for publication! I’ve been paid $5 for photos in the local paper, and I’ve given permission for free use of my pics, but this was the first “real” payment to publish a photo. Not a big check, but such a fun thing to get paid for!
Second, I got quoted. The California State Director of USDA Rural Development spoke in Alva. She pulled up a slide with the Top Ten Rural Small Business Trends. It was none other than my article from Small Biz Trends! She had no idea I was in the audience. She later told me she’s been using the slide in presentations all over. How cool is that??
Laura Girty says
I was in the audience too – and I am bragging – I was PROUD to be able to say “I know her!”. Way to go Becky! On both accomplishments!
Becky McCray says
Thank you, Laura. Hey, we should brag about all the progress Josh is making! Congratulations to you on having him home again and improving. :)
Michelle Waters says
Personally, the puppet crew at my church, of which I am a member, got to perform in front of more than 3,000 people at Falls Creek for Children’s Camp. The kids loved the show and we were thrilled to be able to reach out to them through our ministry. Woohoo!
On the business side, I was able to get through the majority of my to-do list this week, including getting a couple information products up on my website finally, and write several blog posts. Yea me!
Becky McCray says
Yea, Michelle! Congratulations on both sides!
Dan O'Connor says
Hi Becky,
Thanks for doing this. I have looked at this for the last couple of weeks and decided to jump in.
You have already seen this on 3T but 2 weeks ago I posted a lighted-hearted look at completing a project. It featured my 2-1/2 year-old grandaughter and was the sixth post of my brand new blog.
I would not call it viral but I received about 600 views. That may not seem like much for an established site but since I have been counting my daily visitors in the single digits it was pretty cool and encouraging for me.
Becky McCray says
Dan, I loved that post! It was fun. Everybody, click on Dan’s name, and go see his granddaughter! (Warning: may cause a cute overload.)
Chris Melton says
I’m very proud to share that we received our patent for our shoulder rehab / prehab tool a few days ago. Not too shabby for a couple of mechanics. Take a look and see what the fuss is all about – http://theRotater.com
Becky McCray says
Congratulations, Chris! I’m the proud daughter of a mechanic, so I’ll share your pride.
And here’s a brag from my emails, from a former “almost neighbor”:
I’ve received the Final Proof of my first book, “The Night Eagles Soared!” It won’t be long now!
God Bless
Steve Newman (Author)
Glenda Watson Hyatt says
I enjoy popping by the Brag Basket and reading about the exciting accomplishments and projects people are undertaking. Good stuff! Have a great weekend!
Todd R Jordan - @tojosan says
Congratulations Becky on selling a picture. :)
I’ve given pictures to publications and to non-profits but never sold a one. Sigh.
Today I’m bragging a bunch
1) BATTL #2 was a big success – 2nd in my summer tweetup series Bring a tweep to lunch. Had a great turnout and three of the Charter Twitter team showed up.
2) My son survived week 3 of being a camp counselor. It’s killing him in pieces but if he makes it through he’ll be much stronger for it.
3) Wife – @nanna_j – who just completed another school year w/out going postal. She cooked at an elementary school this school year.
4) Charter Twitter team – you can find them easy as they all start @UMatter2Chrtr and one extra character. They listen for any mention of Charter on Twitter and reach out to those individuals. They’ve helped me several times since I discovered them. They’ve been successful enough they’ve been told to grow the team. Cheers.
Becky McCray says
Glenda, thanks for coming by and cheering! I know you’ve got some great stuff coming soon for bloggers. (Y’all go check out Glenda’s site so you don’t miss it!)
Todd, thank you again for being a tireless supporter of the Brag Basket. I love what you do with networking in your area. You are building a valuable thing. Congrats also Nanna J and your son for surviving! And applause to the whole Charter Twitter Team. :)
Barry Moltz says
I helped a client complete the sale of their family owned retirement! Happy Day on FRIDAY!
Becky McCray says
Barry, big congrats to you and your client! Woohoo!
Chris Melton says
Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to share our accomplishments.