When I was a little kid, my mom and dad owned their own trucking business. One winter, things weren’t going great. In fact, things looked pretty bad.
They went home to visit their parents in Alva, and cut a big load of firewood while they were there. Then they headed back to Oklahoma City, where we lived. They put the firewood out for sale at convenience stores.
That wasn’t part of their plan. They weren’t going into the firewood business. But they did have a “whatever it takes” attitude.
How did it turn out? The firewood sales helped to keep our family and the business going through the winter. The trucking business became a success, the first of many for my parents.
I think about this story every so often, when someone tells me about some relatively small obstacle that is keeping them from starting a business or some problem that has them declaring defeat. And even when I complain about a setback. Where is my “whatever it takes” attitude?
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Thanks. I needed this today. I’m going in for an attitude adjustment.
Great story – and a great reminder that I really needed to hear today. Off to see what ideas I can generate.
This is a great attitude to have in these testing times. If you put your mind to it, you could achieve amazing results. There are many resources available to help you out. http://www.introducingsuccess.com has many tips on how to start and run an ecommerce business.