Every week, I open a new Basket. I call it the Brag Basket, but it’s not really about bragging. It’s about sharing.
I started this so you can introduce yourself, share some good news, or congratulate a friend. Or just fly your freak flag, as Deb suggested.
The basket is open all weekend, from April 23-25, 2010.
Speak up and add yourself or another deserving soul in the comments. We all cheer, and everyone feels great. It lets you meet each other a bit. Reading each others’ stories brings us a bit closer to being a community.
How does it work? You write a comment on this post, email me, tweet me, or comment on this note on Facebook. You tell something great about your week, or you give applause to someone who did good stuff this week. Or you celebrate something wonderful that you tried that failed.
This is not an ad. (I delete the ads.) It’s a conversation with friends. So jump in. And remember to cheer for each other.
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I want to encourage business owners {solo and beyond!} to be involved with peer groups {entrepreneurial-focused} or to have at least one accountability partner. This week, I celebrated breakthroughs with two fabulous women in my peer group! We have met regularly for almost two years now, and to journey together — through thick and thin! — has been inspiring, empowering and creatively affirming!
Thanks for allowing your readers to tell everyone about their services.
I help people who need\want to start a business but are struggling with ideas or who want to evaluate their ideas to see if they would make a viable business.
I help people ready to start a business – with getting set up and systems put in place, with their marketing, their social media strategies. My website is http://www.gillianpritchett.com
I also have a business providing research services – wwww.theresearchspecialist.com
I will be delighted to help your readers.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Yay, Stargardener! I agree with this so much!
Gillian, thanks for joining us. Please, come on back and share stories. We love stories. :)
Becky and all your readers —
I’m a big proponent of flying your freak flag, as you know. But really – that’s just sharing good news – and that’s what the brag basket is all about.
This week, I got a small website job for a local flower shop. I also got a larger one for Top of Iowa Tourism. Great great news for me.
I also got a potential new business builder for my Melaleuca business – and she found me on LinkedIn. For a social media maven, that’s great news.
My dad is really sick and in the hospital and today was not a good day. His mind is going pretty quickly — and I think maybe for awhile I’ll be flying my freak flag every day. Cause you just never know how many days you have left.
Yay, Deb! Fantastic news about your biz, not so much about your father. All the best wishes to him.
My brag for this weekend is that I became an LLC this week with my dba name as Feathered Fedora Design. I have moved into a small(er) town, which has opened lots of doors for me and has allowed me to spread my wings and fly. My biggest project right now is a small business community project website. It keeps evolving into a bigger and better website.
The community has had a lot of media attention recently with a weekend feature in the local newspaper and our chieftain and landlord is featured in the cover story of Tomorrow’s Washington Post.
We are all very excited about the good things happening around here!
Deb, congratulations on the new business. And you know I understand about your Dad. Look forward to collecting hugs in person this week.
Andy, congratulations on all the great things going on around you! And I look forward to hearing more of them in the weeks ahead.