Each week, I open the Brag Basket. It’s designed as a fun place for you to share your projects and accomplishments. But you can also cheer for other people, give shout outs, congratulate, and even give someone a well-deserved pat on the back.
The Brag Basket is open for everyone, whether from a small town, a big city, or anywhere in the world. (But it’s true that I love small town brags!)
Will you put something in the Brag Basket this week? You can brag on a friend, your own project, yourself, others, anything! You don’t need special permission, and you don’t have to be from a small town. Just leave a comment right here. There’s no deadline, so you can brag anytime during the weekend, and I’ll open a fresh Brag Basket each Friday.
Hey, and by the way, I’d love to hear ideas for a new Brag Basket graphic or picture. What would you use for the brag basket image??
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The rural small business blog. We talk about small town business, with how-to articles, especially on social media marketing and making your community a better place. We use this “author” for announcements and other things you’ll want to know.
Chris Moore says
I’m hoping having a little brag might drive some traffic my way!
I am starting up a small business networking site based on the desire to change and turnaround the economy. The idea is for small businesses to share/barter services. There are many like minded, selfless and helpful people out there giving aid and support. There are also people losing their businesses or starting out and trying to build new fledgling businesses. I am hoping to build a community where we can help each other succeed and in turn help in part to rebuild our ailing economy.
Thanks for the opporunity to share.
Have a great weekend,
Becky McCray says
Chris, that’s a wonderful purpose! Thanks for sharing, because that is what the Brag Basket is for.
Mike Gunderloy says
It was a busy week for me… We announced ActionRails (http://www.actionrails.com/), a new high-end Rails consultancy where I’m a partner. This week also so trackdailygoals.com go from a one-person skunkworks effort to a team project, with more and more people contributing to this effort to make the #dailygoals Twitter tag more useful.
Becky McCray says
Mike, terrific! When I commented on your Daily Goals, I had no idea there was so much more behind it. And congrats on the new Rails consultancy! Both great brags!
Rock Langston says
Live in a small town with no graphic designers available? Well, maybe I can help.
When I began my graphic design biz I lived in an oil patch town of 2000 in a remote area of CO. My nearest bookstore was 90 miles away, over an 8000′ pass, a road always shared with beef, sheep, elk and deer. What I had was time, a computer, a background in design, and the interlibrary loan system, so I got busy and learned to use graphic design software, and then offered my services to the regional community businesses in Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. As a result of this experience, I’ve kept a focus on offering quality professional graphic design services to small and remote towns where there are no, or poor, options for businesses needing professional design work.
Using the Internet, and other technological wonders, I work for clients and with printers all over the US, as well as overseas. I’ll help you through the process of developing professional marketing collaterals from concept to delivery, and do my best to make it fun, as well as useful! Please visit my website to get an overview of my work (www.tomatographics.com/portfolio.html) and see what my clients have to say about working with a designer at a distance (www.tomatographics.com/clients.html). Please contact me if you have questions or need more information.
Top Tomato
HUB Certified/Woman Owned
Becky McCray says
Rock, thanks for introducing yourself and your business. I love businesses that focus on small town customers! Hope to see you back in the Brag Basket many times, with lots of good news in the future.
Mike says
I’d like to thank Casey over at the Center for Rural Affairs (http://www.cfra.org/blog) for writing about Nick Graham, who at age 17, purchased a grocery story that had been closed in his rural community of Truman, MN. I know others have written a lot about Nick, but this was the first time his story caught my attention.
It has sparked renewed interest for me in learning more about how rural communities and schools can encourage the development of entrepreneurs like Nick. I think there’ abundant opportunity for this to happen, but it’s going to take a lot more focused effort. And that part of that focus needs to start with an understanding of the Characteristics of Gen Y. I’d love hear any thoughts others have on the subject.
Becky McCray says
Mike, Nick has an astounding story! Thanks for mentioning it.
Encouraging entrepreneurship and understanding Gen Y are two great topics. I think we can open a discussion post on that, just to see what everyone has to add.
Cheryl Smith says
I received a call today to do two sessions at a conference in April for Virginia Chamber of Commerce Executives AND I received a referral to a chamber in NC from a colleague in MD. It’s been a good day!
(And thanks Becky, for inviting me to brag here. Feels a little awkward.)
Becky McCray says
Cheryl, I’m so glad you braved feeling awkward. Congratulations on the new gig AND the referral! I got a new client referral and a speaking gig this week myself, so I’ll cheer for us both!
Come back anytime. :)
Jim Goodrich says
I was recommended for and appointed to the Advisory Board of the Chicago Music Commission this week.
This relationship came about after I interviewed Paul Natkin, the Interim Executive Director of the CMC on my show With A Voice Like This. We kept talking after the show and shared ideas that turned into projects and now membership on the Advisory Board.
I’m also finalizing the details to have Dave Kusek, co author of the book ‘The Future of Music’ on an upcoming episode as well.
Social Media has opened up some great opportunities for me.
Becky McCray says
Jim, how exciting! What a testament to your hard work and your talent.
jenx67 says
I love the brag basket. And, I love Twitter b/c it reminded me that I need to hop on over here more often. OK. Something to brag about. I think I’m going to brag on my daughter, Juliette. I know this is sentimental, but I can’t help it. At 11, she is a brilliant and kind human being. She helps out so much with her 6, 3 and 1 year old siblings. And, she’s so smart. A 96 composite on her Iowa, and so funny. A great writer. A great scientist. A fair and wise little girl. I’m the lucky one. Juliette – you are the sun. Even if you never read this, I’ve put it out there into the universe and it won’t return void. That’s the graphic, Becky. Something good coming back when we say or do the right thing – like give credit. Rain on a wheat field?
Becky McCray says
That is so sweet! Hurray for Juliette!
Something good coming back, eh? A great idea.
Debra says
Hi All,
I just want to BRAG on CHRIS MOORE! I met Chris on Microsoft Office Live. Chris truly means what he says about helping small businesses! Chris has gone “above and beyond” to help me with various problems. THANKS, CHRIS!
Becky McCray says
Thanks, Debs! Glad to meet both you and Chris. Thanks for all the comments you’ve contributed to our discussions.
Debra says
Hi Becky! It is an honor to meet you. You are doing what I have dreamed of doing. I have the utmost respect for you and your site. It is absolutely wonderful. I hope that I can offer some assistance. Is there a place where I can add my background so folks can see who I am? It might help!
Best regards,
Debra says
My sense of humor is needed in today’s turmoil.
I’m still giggling on the one reply post on the guy with the Restaurant. I really do have a diverse corporate and small biz background. And, for everyone here, be sure to check out Chris’s sites. He’s the computer whiz kid. Be sure to PAY HIM! He’s done too many ‘freebies.’ Get your credit cards out, folks! I know you’ll need Chris! And, no, I don’t get a “kick-back” from Chris. He’ll actually probably kill me for posting this! But, he’s just learning my sense of humor! Do me a favor, don’t tell Chris I posted this, ok? I’ll be in trouble with him.
Best to all. I’ll help as I can.
Becky McCray says
Debs, I can’t keep up with you! But, yes! We are just launching a new feature called, “Introduce Yourself”. You (and anyone) can email me (becky at smallbizsurvival.com) up to 500 words and no more than 2 pictures, to introduce yourself. I’m looking forward to hearing from you all!
Debra says
Hi Becky, Thanks for entertaining my inquiry on INTRODUCE YOURSELF. Gee, I hope I’m not being a pain, eh? I will utilize your e-mail to introduce myself. I thank you kindly for the hard work you are doing! GREAT JOB!