Failure is a friend and a teacher, but it can be mischievous. Don’t let it scare, intimidate, discourage, or sadden you. You are great, remember.
—Pastor WD Favour, Enugu, Nigeria, via Twitter
That may be the most interesting view I’ve read in quite a while. Failure is a friend. It can be mischievous. Fascinating!
We’ve done a whole series on failure, and I explained why in the Redefining Failure Masterplan. Every entrepreneur has to face the possibility of failure. In fact, you likely will fail, repeatedly. Get ready for it, get through it, and get moving.
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Very true, Becky. And sometimes, not always, but once in a while, our friendships transform into mischievous failures.
Ari, you’ve really turned that whole thing on its head. whoa…
Great post, great series, Becky.
Thanks, Zane. :)