Each Friday, I open the Brag Basket as a fun place to give someone a pat on the back, brag, or promote yourself and your projects. The Brag Basket is open for everyone, whether from a small town, a big city, or anywhere in the world.
Last week, Bob of Pixels and Code landed a new project, Bonnie embraced the NOW, JenX67 bragged on Jean Warner and Forty-sixth Star Press from Oklahoma, Mark of Culebra was grateful for missing out on a hurricane, Giovanna introduced us to Imperfect Action, Vicki of SmartWoman Guides bragged on a client’s book, and I brought a brag over from Twitter, from Jeff “Zemote” O’Hara of Edmodo.
Will you put something in the Brag Basket this week? You can brag on a friend, your own project, yourself, others, anything! You don’t need special permission, and you don’t have to be from a small town. Just leave a comment right here. There’s no deadline, so you can brag anytime during the weekend, and I’ll open a fresh Brag Basket each Friday.
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OK. I’ll brag on myself. Within 7 days my blog posts got picked up three times by Wall Street Journal on Line and as a result a reporter called me to be quoted on one of the topics for another online news company.
Consistent, good quality blogging gets you noticed!
Hurray, Susan! That is quite a compliment on the quality of your work!
The BF left last night to spend these last 12 days donating his time to the Obama campaign in Indiana.
I don’t care what your politics are (well, not as long as you’re civil and tolerant!); I think that walking your talk (as long as you’re civil and tolerant) should be honored, always.
I agree. I applaud those who take action on their convictions. And are civil and tolerant. :) Thanks, Colleen!
My little boy get his 2nd tooth. Can I brag about that!? :-)
I am working on have a song for my message Imperfect Action is better than No Action.
I want to brag about Kristen Marie Schurlein from http://www.affirmagy.com. She recommended my name to http://www.intent.com and I am now an Intent Voice. I am so grateful for her generosity. She is kind, caring, and runs an awesome business. I have learned so much watching her grow her business with integrity. Also, she has been getting some good publicity for her affirmation blankets (http://www.affirmagy.com/Page.bok?template=press). Way to go Kristen!
Congrats to Giovanna’s little boy! and to you, too, Giovanna. You are a bundle of energy!
Kirsten, thanks for introducing Kristen Marie, and congratulations to you both!
OK to brag about myself?
I am bragging about the Twitter Poker Event we have set up. Lots of people seem to like it! Getting some good PR.
Plus I learned about hashtags (http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23twourney).
Always OK to brag on yourself, as well as others. Love the idea of a Twitter Poker event! Congrats on getting folks interested!
I am going to brag about my partner, Sandi Booth. She has been very sick, since March,and she still gets up every day and goes to work so I can stay home, achieve my dreams, and get my travel business up and running. So if you are reading this, please send her a shout out, or a prayer or just a good vibe her way in hopes that the doctors will find out what is wrong with her and get her well very soon.
I love you girl, Joyce
Joyce, that’s beautiful. We all send our best to Sandi.
Let me brag a little bit this week too Becky. We did a complete redesign of our blog, http://blogforprofit.com and the results are wonderful. Traffic has increased as have commenting too. It truly has made a huge difference in the community surrounding Blog for Profit. At the same time of the relaunch of the redesign, I published the 1st issue of the Blog For Profit Newsletter and the response to it so far as been great too.
Go, Grant, go! Congratulations on a successful project! I love the way you push forward on multiple fronts to get where you are going.
I have a little brag. We just launched a new business group which we may spin off as a company sometime soon.
It’s called Business Loan Financing (http://www.business-loan-financing.com)
Took a lot of work to get that puppy up and running.
Congratulations, Marco! Knowing your quality of work, I’m excited to go look it over!
TJ “@sondernagle” Sondermann Tweeted his brag: “Some friends and I created a Twitter client with a mute button in 48 hours for the Rails Rumble. http://www.twalala.com We’re planning on updating to v.2 pretty soon, so let us know if there’s anything you’d like to see.”
Very cool! Thanks, TJ!
I’ll brag on Jon Swanson…
He has an exciting new initiative that is coming soon. Stay tuned at: http://levite.wordpress.com/.
I would love to brag about how great my team at Northstar Venture is! Each employee has tackled their duties head on with a great attitude. Many are working long hours, skipping lunch, and even coming in on Saturdays! They even pitched in to help with the temporary office move we did last month… and we have another one coming up in two weeks. I am so blessed to be given the staff that I have. I couldn’t ask for a better team.
Paul, we should brag on Jon much more often! Thanks for building the excitement.
Jeff, that is a great team! Congrats!
OK, I have something to brag about: kinda’ small in this field of big stuff.
Becky installed my new computer a week or so ago. I have finally gotten everything converted, transferred, re-installed. (The older I get the harder this seems to be.) I am really enjoying the computer–more speed is really amazingly nice.
Mom, you’re welcome. Congrats on the new computer! I’m betting you’ve been committing geek-ery longer than any of our readers!