Each Friday, I open the brag basket as a fun place to give someone a pat on the back, brag, or promote yourself and your projects.
Tony Katz explained why this matters:
It’s ok to have success, it’s ok to have great things happen in your life and it is ok to talk about those things. Embrace the good things that happen and the work that it took to get the good things to happen. Then, focus on more good things, and make them happen. The vision is only achieved through the action.
Last week, our own OkieJ bragged on herself and some friends. Shashi bragged on his upcoming 4 week vacation, and Scott bragged on making a top 100 list.
Will you put something in the Brag Basket this week?
You can brag on a friend, your own project, yourself, others, anything! You don’t need special permission or anything. Just leave a comment right here. There’s no deadline, so you can brag anytime during the weekend, and I’ll open a fresh Brag Basket each Friday.
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Me first! I got approached for my very first *paid* speaking engagement! It’s even on small town issues. :) I’m so thrilled!
Who’s next??
I got this email from a customer and it made me feel sooo good!
“Dear Ria,
Thank you for your concern, it’s so refreshing to buy from a company who cares what you end up with. Yes, I did intend to order 4 SafeWear kits. I wanted 4 shirts, and I wanted 4 bags, so it worked out perfectly. I LOVE your product! I’m going to have to get some of your sew in tags, I didn’t see those the first time!
Thank you again!
Go, Ria! Excellent customer service! :)
Arthur Frommer wrote that my budget travel tips were new ideas to him. High praise from the man who wrote “Europe on $5 a day”
Out of curiosity I decided to approach every single Age of Conversation contributor and invite them to join my LinkedIn Network. I’m about 2/3 through the list of 275 and have added 108 connections. The neat thing is that it has netted me a couple of links to my blog.
Debbie, that is high praise, indeed! Congratulations! Wow!
Jay, what great thinking! Thanks for sharing a lesson in how to make the most of participating. Congrats!
I want to *brag* about finally meeting a wonderful Twitter friend, @AnnOhio for dinner this past week. Had a great time & learned even more about each other. And now that Twitter is borked, it’s great to know I will see her again @PodCampOhio tomorrow. Real, in-the-flesh social connections will *always* count most for me. THUS, I will be coming to OK some day to work in your store, Ms. Becky. Peace out!
Barbara, I’m so excited for you and Ann! I cannot imagine the two of you together! And you are most welcome in Oklahoma, soon!
Becky –
Greetings from Lima (Peru!) were I am spending a week. First, congrats on your speaking engagement.
My achivement today, shipping out to Lima on a flight that had LESS than 3 hours delay :-)
Marco, are you kidding me?? I was just there! Seriously! Absolutely amazing place, with terrific food. :)
Becky –
Not kidding you at all. My family lives here so I visit often. I keep a “backup office” in Lima just for that.
I arrived last Monday night. When were you here?
I’d love to hear you experiences. Did you do the usual turist things (going to Cuzco, drinking pisco sours, barganing at the local markets, etc. etc. etc.)?
We left Lima late on Tuesday, so we were there at the same time! I would never have thought that!! This was part of a group tour, so we got the full tourist treatment. Machu Picchu is absolutely amazing! But we snuck in some terrific local experiences, like watching a rehearsal parade before Cusco’s big festival of Inti Raymi. Pics are up at Flickr.