What is social media, and why does any small business person care? Social media is a way to connect with other people. Fight small town isolation! Connect to the wider world.
- Connect with others in your industry for insight, networking and support.
- Connect with potential customers or suppliers for new business opportunities.
- Connect with inspirational and creative people for a boost, ideas and challenging questions.
The tools are blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and many more. (Want a bit more explanation? Try Simplified Online Marketing, about the types of online presence.)
Jon Swanson explains more about the power of connecting with people through social media in a comment on Susan Reynolds’ blog.
“I think it’s the immediacy and the individuals – which is what makes working in a great office or with a great team so compelling. To be able to show up at work (or whatever the relationship focal point) and chat and go back to the task at hand and to ask someone about the task and to tune out and to come back in…
“I’ve worked in places with that give and take…and it feels like this. But this goes wherever you go, and you get to pick who you are chatting with, and a lot of the people are very very bright and very very creative and very very caring.”
AnnOhio has a Twitter PSA for Newbies
twitter is about the people… add a few more people.. interact.. connect… engage… be part of the community–laugh!
I put it this way on Michael Valiant’s site:
It’s all about the people. This is true of many meaningful pursuits.
When I worked for the local newspaper, the best part was making connections with people. I’ve heard many others say on leaving a job that they won’t miss the work, but will miss the people they connected with.
When I joined a professional group, other members told me the best part was the people I would meet and become friends with. They were right.
When I ran for elected office, the best part was the wonderful people I met. I’ve heard many, many politicians say the same at the end of their own campaigns.
How has social media changed my life? It’s all about the people I have met and connected with.
Chris Brogan has written a Newbies’ Guide to Twitter. It helps make sense of how Twitter and other social media instant conversations can be used.
Examples of Small Biz Twitter Uses
Mike Sansone has an example for group project management via Twitter.
“One way companies can use Twitter, especially virtual companies, is to create a page or panel with each of their team’s Twitter plug-ins.”
Rex Hammock used Twitter to maintain contact with his website readers.
“I’ve set up an “away” message on my blog that displays tweets – http://tinyurl.com/2vljch“
Susan Reynolds is getting all kinds of advice from trusted sources, her Twitter friends.
“Presto. Instant networking. Like Google but with personal insights.”
Naresh found a way to support customers with Twitter.
“I used twitter with my support ticket system. Make it private, add your personal account, and get IM messages via instant messenger. Works like a charm”
He also used Twitter as a notepad.
“link for self http://tinyurl.com/3ywyer”
randelaw used Twitter to announce his commitment. Publicly stating your commitment can help make it feel real to you.
“Be it resolved: On or before 1/1 there will be a redesigned company web site up that reflects what we recommend to our clients”
Twitter is…
newmediajim telling this producer that Twitter is sort of like if LinkedIn were having a cocktail party.
vaspers Twitter feedback is immediate, public, & unpredictable (e.g. skeptical, harsh). Twitter is rushing river of brevities.
mikesansone Twitter is an RSS feed for our brain. I subscribe to smart ones
vaspers Twitter is so trivial. After spending time on more serious sites and pursuits, to come here is like going to an insane asylum.
Quotes about Social Media from Small Biz People
digitalvillages I’ve been social computing on several levels today. There isn’t one model for Social Media. There are multiple levels and a different tools
vaspers You are a Media Venue. http://tinyurl.com/2gxg9b
digitalvillages What is the value of social interaction for the individual? Why do singers write songs? Some nobody listens. The same with Social Media.
Why do birds sing? They don’t have a business plan and no plans to meet a venture capitalist. They don’t even have powerpoints.
digitalvillages Social Media is all about people bringing their ideas & thoughts to a common platform.Content sounds like cement. Ideas are building bricks!
badbanana To me, socnets break down the country club doors. I don’t need to kiss the rings of rich old white guys for favors. Status is destroyed.
The new marketplace of ideas is wide open to anyone with a computer and the curiosity to sign up for a free online service.
Here, we’re not judged by our clothes. Our lack of monogrammed shirts. It’s our humanity and our ideas and our talents that matter.
vaspers Writers club member: “Blogs are garbage.” Vaspers: “90% of talking is garbage. Are you going to stop talking? How’s about radio, TV, phone?”
vaspers Publisher likes my blog so much, wants me to write monthly column on computer & web topics. http://www.peoriamagazines.com/ibi/2007/aug
Thus, a blog is a powerful tool for gaining clients, customers, writing opportunities, publicity, etc. Use blog to educate, give free info.
vaspers Remember, the Web Revolution is about Transparency and User Empowerment, Consumer Info, Peer Recommendation. Base web strategy on these.
People are expecting video virtual tours at web sites. Web 2.0 is more interactive, participatory, multi-media, and co-creative with users.
misc i reflexively reach for my “subscribe” bookmarklet when i mean to hit my “add to del.icio.us.” feeds are the new bookmarks. coz i said so.
goldiekatsu I find it interesting how people believe technology will change social structures when it is the people who must make the change.
vaspers Wise woman said “if people stare at you, put on a show.”
erincarter the social web is starting to feel like the apartment you live in during college. always partying, always meeting new people just next door.
And just in case you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of this, join MMcAllen.
mmcallen I have become antisocial media. I will be over here in the corner.
By the way, MMcAllen only took a short break. He came back for the people.
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I’m so honored that you quote me in your post here.
Social media is very close to my heart, and my participation in blogs, RSS, YouTube, and Web 2.0 tools is one big reason I was hired for my current job as Sales Manager and Web Analyst for a web design/hosting firm.
I recently read a quote somewhere that social network members are simply “people with nothing better to do”.
That person will likely lose their job in the near future, since socnet-phobia is an incurable disease that threatens the health of his company.
When socnetopathic people attack us for being “trivial”, I like to point out that telephone users are also trivial.
But we know that a bit of trivia makes us more human, and Twitterers who only tweet links to their blogs or to products seem suspicious, like they’re gaming or exploiting the community.
I read your post again, and see that you quoted my “Twitter is so trivial…like an insane asylum.” tweet.
Yep. Sometimes I’m frustrated by a large amount of drivel tweets, but everybody knows I’m a hardcore Twitter Addict, in spite of my frequent complaints and critiques.
I sure wish Twitter would fix the bugs and downtime.
We’re located in central WV in a town of approximately 5500 people. My wife had the gumption to start a Cosmetics Manufacturing Company in rural America.
She studied and was certified in Social Media Marketing. Twitter has been the mainstay of her grassroots marketing (bluegrass) and FaceBook finishes the job. Puts her on an equal playing field with the “big boys.”
You’ve tackled an essential subject for all small business and entrepreneurs.
Thank you for the valuable insights and information.