Networking with many new media folks, I realized that lots of people are starting businesses. Since helping people start a business is the full time job of my co-author “OkieJ” Jeanne Cole, we decided to present a live internet TV miniseries on small business startup issues.
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Becky McCray and Jeanne Cole live from the Small Business Development Center in Alva, taking your small biz startup questions live in the chat room or by video. Today, Jeanne talks about how to get financing, and Becky discusses basic record keeping. We also talk about what a Small Business Development Center can do for you, and where to find one. Lots of great questions from the chat room, including business structures, pricing your services, and taxes on online businesses.
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One more episode to follow on Oct. 29.
Annual Credit Report
Improve your credit
Advice for the Startup Entrepreneur
SBA – Small Business Development Center locator
SBA – downloads on finance and recordkeeping
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