Development vs. rural houses
Big rural projects, like the spate of new ethanol plants, can create problems as they run over the top of existing houses.
“Counties should limit where people can build homes in rural areas…. But if a house already is there, it can be difficult to resolve a conflict….” Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette.
Enterpreneurship education (REAL) draws interest from Norway
North Carolina (USA),Haywood Community College offers Rural Entrepreneurship through Action Learning (REAL). Visitors from Norway came to learn how entrepreneurship is integrated into classrooms. Asheville Citizen-Times.
Rural businesses get help with global competition
Illinois business can get help with international business through the resources profiled in the Quincy Herald Whig.
Read the profile of a rural Wyoming software business that expanded internationally, with a little help from the Small Business Development Center, in the University of Wyoming News.
Malta focusing on entrepreneurship
The Parliament is talking entrepreneurship as the key to competing globally. Go, Malta! Independent Online.
Hawaii’s plan for economic innovation
Gov. Linda Lingle announced a series of ideas to promote innovation, integrating K-12 education with higher education, workforce development, and innovating in government. Go, Hawai’i! Honolulu Advisor. Found on EDPro.
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