Dan Bobinski has lots to say about customer service:
It’s a universal given that when we shop somewhere we’d like to be treated with a modicum of respect. When our shopping experience is negative, statistics show it takes only two such incidents and we’re likely to shop elsewhere. That’s not a lot of wiggle room. Think of it as “two strikes and you’re out.”
So what are the top two steps? Bobinski says:
1. Place people in customer service positions without much training.
2. Don’t give them much feedback on how they are preceived by customers.
I would add some that might relate especially to small town small biz:
3. Put some “big business” policies in place, like “no returns” or anything that makes you say “I’m sorry, but we can’t” to customers.
4. Ignore customer requests for special items, services, or hours.
5. Fail to keep your promises to customers; for example, fail to keep your posted hours.
small biz rural entrepreneurship
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Becky started Small Biz Survival in 2006 to share rural business and community building stories and ideas with other small town business people. She and her husband have a small cattle ranch and are lifelong entrepreneurs. Becky is an international speaker on small business and rural topics.